Homestead Water Management: Rainwater Harvesting and Conservation Techniques
Without water, self-sufficiency isn't impossible.
Without water, self-sufficiency isn't impossible.
It's not as expensive as you think!
Foraging: A must-know skill for homesteaders.
These foods could save your life.
As a homesteader, you know it’s critical to stock up on survival food and gear. Possibly more important than purchasing...
How to scavenge in times of emergency.
Believe it or not, Faraday cages are relatively easy to make and don't cost a fortune.
In an emergency, one of the first resources to go will be gasoline. Here's how much you REALLY need when...
Sometimes, you don't need to buy new supplies. Here are some examples...
Here’s a list of bare essentials—the items you CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT when SHTF.
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